Managed Accounts

What is a Separately Managed Account?

A Separately Managed Account (SMA) provides the transparency of a traditional brokerage account, while offering turnkey access to internationally-diversified portfolios of global equities and fixed income, professionally managed by the HPIMX TCOM Trust Advisors investment committee.

Day-to-day investment decisions are delegated to HPIMX TCOM Online Advisors, thus relieving you of the burden of reacting to fast moving-markets, changing economic circumstances, and time-consuming administration. Simply track all of your trades online and watch your portfolio grow in real-time.

  • The Management Team

  • HPIMX TCOM Online Advisors manages its Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) and Mutual Funds through a sub-advisory management agreement with a 150-year-old, HPIMX TCOMpean financial services company that provides investment and advisory services to institutional and corporate clients internationally.

  • Investment Process

  • Ensuring Suitability

  • HPIMX TCOM Trust Advisors determines your specific strategy allocations and weighting by adhering to a structured, comprehensive review of your particular risk tolerance, experience, and several other relevant factors. Individual preferences and needs are taken into serious consideration as portfolios are crafted

  • Core vs. Tactical Component

  • HPIMX TCOM Trust Advisors employs an innovative investment approach whereby typically 80% of your portfolio – the Core component – will be invested primarily in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to provide you with exposure to a number of different asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities, and cash globally.

    The Tactical component composed of the remaining 20% will be invested to enhance returns by exploiting shorter-term opportunities and special situations, including Initial Public Offerings and takeover scenarios. This element of the portfolio may also be used to hedge equity exposure through equity indices or sectors.

    Investment decisions are made by the professional managers and guided by a variety of internal and external information sources. Investments are governed by parameters to reduce risk and monitored accordingly.

  • Maximum Diversification

  • After meticulous selections of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and direct stock investments, strategies can maintain upwards of 800 underlying securities spanning different countries and sectors, achieving both the high level of diversification and the lower volatility that is desired when building a global, long term portfolio, all while minimizing brokerage commissions.

  • Complete Transparency

  • Separately Managed Account holders can view their portfolios and statements at any time through the Client Portal.